Air Source Heat Pump: The future of domestic heating.

Your Questions Answered

We thought we’d take this opportunity to explain in a little more detail the energy-efficient design at Fruit Market and why this system is rapidly becoming the future of UK home heating.

Why are we using Air Source Heat Pumps at Fruit Market?

Widely used throughout Europe, air source heat pumps are rapidly becoming a popular energy-efficient alternative in the UK to the increasingly outdated gas boilers which rely on unsustainable fossil fuels. Air source heat pumps are a tried and tested technology used in Europe for decades.

There is a global demand to reduce fossil fuels and carbon emissions which includes domestic heating and Air Source Heat Pumps are an excellent low carbon alternative for heating new homes.

How do Air Source Heat Pumps Work?

The technology has been around for 160 years and is essentially the same process as used by your refrigerator, just working in reverse.

The pump uses electricity to extract heat from the outside air, this heat is then transferred to either a hot water cylinder or the heating system inside the home.

Air source heat pumps can do all the things a boiler does. However, instead of relying on gas or oil as primary fuel sources, they run off electricity, which can be generated by renewable sources.

Is it efficient?

Air source heat pumps are a very efficient way of producing heat. They are typically around 300% efficient meaning that for every unit of electricity used, 3 units of heat are produced. A gas boiler in comparison has a maximum efficiency of around 95%.

The efficiency of an air source heat pump depends on the outside air temperature and the heat demand of the building it serves. They work best with homes that have high levels of insulation and specially designed heating systems, such as the homes at Fruit Market.

Is an Air Source Heat Pump noisy?

A properly maintained and installed Air Source Heat Pump would typically emit a noise level similar to a domestic refrigerator.

Is an Air Source Heat Pump economical?

When combined with a highly insulated home, Air Source Heat Pumps can be around 300% more efficient than a gas boiler. The relative cost of gas and electricity is constantly changing but if electricity is around 3 times the price of gas per unit, then the running costs would be broadly similar for an Air Source Heat Pump and the most efficient gas boiler.

Can an Air Source Heat Pump Work with Solar?

You can further boost the efficiency of Air Source Heat Pumps with solar power as the pump is powered by electricity. The number of panels you have will influence how much it contributes to the system as a whole. The Air Source Heat Pump system requires a water cylinder that can also be connected to solar panels to help heat the hot water.

Is an Air Source Heat Pump efficient with underfloor heating?

Underfloor heating is a great partner with Air Source Heat Pumps making a highly efficient system. Underfloor heating systems heat the whole floor which means they run at a much lower temperature to achieve the desired heat level in your home. A traditional radiator has to run at a much higher temperature to achieve to heat a whole room.

Do Air Source Heat Pumps require much maintenance?

Similar to a gas boiler they require annual service by a qualified engineer.

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